Sunday, 22 May 2016

Spring flowers

Yesterday was 21st May, and I won't be back in Jaca until the beginning of June, so we took the chance to drive up to Formigal and Le Portalet in the Tena Valley. It's where in previous years we've seen daffodils in May. This time, we did see a few, but what we did find were gentians and orchids. It was the most spectacular bank of wildflowers I've ever seen!
little gentians

big gentians These are apparently Elder-flowered orchids, which come in both colours

Also, hanging from a rock we saw these:
I think they are alpine primulas of some kind

There is still a fair amount of snow on the mountains.

The melt water is rushing down the streams

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Historical recreation

This weekend has been pretty exciting in Jaca. There have been people from all over taking part in a recreation of the Tercios, 17th century Spanish troops. The Ciudadela is an ideal frame for the costumes and demonstrations of arms.

The judas tree in Biescas

We went to Biescas on Saturday to visit the Spring Fair. There were stalls set up in the sports hall selling plants and honey. It was pretty, but the prettiest thing was the judas tree in the town square.

Monday, 2 May 2016

May holiday

May Day this year fell on Sunday, so the holiday was passed on to Monday to make a nice long weekend. Unfortunately the weather wasn't very nice most of the time and there was a cold wind which made it unpleasant to be out, so we didn't have a good outing until Monday when the wind had died down. In Somport there was bright sunshine and nice crunchy snow in the shady areas.

Although most of the ground is clear of snow everything still has a rather squashed look and the vegetation hasn't woken up for its short growing season yet in Somport. Last weekend in San Juan de la Peña was different; it's a bit lower down and spring was busting out all over.
Beech shoots


Pale Alpine narcissus