Monday, 3 June 2024

Lions in Zaragoza

 There's a stone bridge in Zaragoza. It's called The Stone Bridge. It's the oldest in the city, dating from 1440, although the Romans built one in the first century. 

The bridge is 225 metres in length and has seven arches, one of which is hidden by the road. In 1991 they put bronze lions at both ends of this river crossing. The lion is an emblem for the city of Zaragoza
This photo shows the structure of the bridge very well.
When I'm in Zaragoza, it's nice to run across and between the city's bridges. In the photo it looks as if it's pedestrian; cars aren't allowed, but buses and taxis cross the river on it. Pedestrians use the sides.
Anyway, what I wanted to share today was the lions in Santa Engracia square. Last week there was a kind of flower festival. The big park had flower stalls and plant-based activities. Just off Independencia, the central shopping street, there were eight lions.

You can see four here

This one was my favourite

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