Sunday 2 June 2024


The tulips in Amsterdam were wonderful. However, here in Aragón we have some really wonderful wildflowers. On Thursday we went to Formigal, to the ski-lift called Espelunciechas to see the daffodils. It was rather late in the season but we couldn't make it before. Although the weather was fine lower down, in the mountains it was wet; not pouring, but enough to need an umbrella to stop my glasses being unuseable. Never mind. The flowers were amazing! 

Ranunculus pyrenaeus (most likely

Asphodels not open yet

Viola cornuta

Elder flowered orchid (apparently they smell like elderflowers)

All over the place!

euphorbia flavicoma (maybe)

Daffodils (I expect there's a specific name for these)


Lovely gentians

Can't get enough daffodils. They were past their best but still lovely

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