Monday, 3 June 2024

More wildflowers

 There's a walk we can do from our house; it takes a couple of hours and you don't need to use the car. You go down the picturesquely named La Favorita; it's not very pretty, although it has a nice flowerbed at the end, cross the main road to France and dive down a track which runs parallel to the road. There are lots of wild roses on the sides. Some way on we get to a concrete bridge crossing the Aragón river. If you turn left there's an easy road walk to the "golf ball" hydroelectric power station which processes the water coming down a big green tube that runs from our destination.

This video shows the power station and the pipe: 

We turned right at the bridge to climb the track taking us to the top of the pipe. It took us an hour and twenty minutes from home to the top of the pipe. The wild flowers on the way were amazing! Mostly blue or while linen flowers, dog roses and pyramid orchids.

Monte Oroel

This pyramid orchid was big!

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